by Henry J. Roth, Ph. D.

Enhancing Educational Opportunities Through the Guaranteed Annual Income. Newsletter of the Lawrence House Association of Senior Citizens, Chicago, Illinois, 1971 (Winter).

Master of Arts Project: Psychological Problems Associated with the Stigma of Mental Retardation. Northeastern Illinois University, July, 1972.

Master of Arts Project: Mental Illness and the Treatment of the Poor. Governors State University, May, 1974.

Guidelines for the Administration of the Child Psychiatry Day School. Community Guidance Clinic, Duke University, January, 1977.

Dissertation: The Earliest Childhood Recollection as One Method of Attempting to Understand Classroom Behavior in School for Male 5th and 6th Grade Students with Reading Problems. Duke University, June, 1977. Published in Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume XXXVIII, Number 8, 1978.

Child Psychiatry Day School: A Community Psychoeducational Center for Children with Behavioral Adjustment and Learning Problems. Community Guidance Clinic, Duke University, September, 1979.

Implications of Labeling Students with Special Needs. North Carolina Central University, Spring, 1979.

Federal Grant: Funding for Community-Based Alternatives for Children with Behavioral or Adjustment Problems. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Governor's Advocacy Council on Children and Youth, May, 1980.

Mainstreaming Students with Behavioral and Adjustment Problems into Regular Classes. North Carolina Central University, October, 1980.

Guidelines for Principals in Group Therapy Techniques with Students Who Have Behavioral or Adjustment Problems. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Governor's Advocacy Council on Children and Youth, November, 1981.

A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Purpose and Effectiveness of the Elementary School Project. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Governor's Advocacy Council on Children and Youth, June, 1982.

Group Meetings for Parents of Elementary-Age School Children. Children Today, May-June, 1983.

Techniques Used in Group Meetings for Elementary-Age School Children. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, 1983 (Summer), 10 (18).

An Overview of a Child Care Program for Children Whose Parents Attend Parents Anonymous Meetings. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, 1984 (Winter), 10 (19).

Strategies to Help Teachers Identify and Set Limits for Willie M. Students. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, 1984 (Summer), 10 (20).

Intellectual and Educational Characteristics of Court-Identified vs. School-Identified Violent and Assaultive Youth. Diagnostique, 1984, Volume 9, Number 4.

Stages of Professional Development of Volunteers in Working with Abused Children. Child Resource World Review, 1984 (Fall), Volume 2.

Relationship Between Attendance at a Parents Anonymous Adult Program and Children's Behavior at the Parents Anonymous Child Care Program. Children and Youth Services Review, 1985, Volume 7, pp. 39-43.

Being Gifted at Home. Gifted, Creative and Talented Children, March/April 1985, Volume 37.

University Strives to Help Maladjusted Elementary Students. Pro-Education, April, 1985, Volume 2, Number 1.

The Challenge of Humanism and Behaviorism in Education. Pathways, 1985 (May), Volume 1, Number 4.

The Principal as Co-Leader of a Counseling Group. Voice, 1985 (Spring) Volume III, Number 4.

Using the Earliest School Recollection as One Method for Identifying a Student's Behavioral Patterns at School. Educational and Psychological Research, 1985, Volume 5, Number 3.

Behavioral Correlates of Childhood Depression Which Trigger Child Abuse. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, 1985 (Winter), 10 (21).

Earliest Recollections of Gifted and Talented Students Who Have Social Adjustment Problems at School. Gifted Education International, 1985, Volume 3, Number 2.

Interpersonal Patterns of Gifted and Talented Students Who Have Social Adjustment Problems at School. Gifted, Creative and Talented Children, May/June 1986, Volume 9, Number 3.

Interpersonal Patterns Among Abusing Parents and Parent-Child Interactions. Parenting Studies, 1986, Volume 1, Number 2.

Behavioral Profiles of Court-Identified and School-Identified Violent and Assaultive Youth. North Carolina Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, 1986 (Fall), Volume VI, Number 1.

Using the Earliest School Recollection as One Method for Identifying Gifted and Talented Students with Social Adjustment Problems at School. Gifted Education International, 1987, Volume 4, Number 3.

Selecting Instructional Strategies for Willie M. vs. Emotionally Handicapped Violent and Assaultive Youth. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, 1987 (Spring), 10 (23).

Developing Community-Based Alternatives for Students with Behavioral and Adjustment Problems: A Partnership Between Duke University and the Durham Public Schools. Propel, a publication of the North Carolina Council of Administrators of Special Education, 1987 (Summer), Volume 1, Number 1.

Utilizing Earliest Recollections as a Counseling Technique for Gifted and Talented Students Who Have Social Adjustment Problems at School. Roeper Review, a journal on Gifted Education, May 1987, Volume 9, Number 4.

A Reliability Study of Earliest School Recollections. Psychology in the Schools, 1987, Volume 24, Number 4.

Interpersonal Patterns of Children Who Attend a Parents Anonymous Child Care Program. Acta Paedologica, 1988, Volume 1, Number 4.

Former Emotionally Handicapped Students as Big Brothers for Elementary E.H. Students. North Carolina Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, 1988 (Winter), Volume VII, Number 2.

A Commentary on the Implications of Mainstreaming Violent and Assaultive Youth. Propel, a publication of the North Carolina Council of Administrators of Special Education, 1988 (Fall), Volume 2, Number 1.

Differences in Psychoeducatinal Profiles Between Successfully and Unsuccessfully Mainstreamed Violent and Assaultive Youth. Diagnostique. 1988, Volume 13, Number 2-4.

An Outcome Study of the Contribution of Parent Group Attendance to Successful Reintegration of Conduct-Disordered Students into Regular Classes. Special Services in the School, 1988 (Fall), Volume 5, Number 1-2.

Relationship Between attendance at Parent Group Meetings and Children's Successful Reintegration into Public School. Propel, 1989 (Fall) Volume 3, Number 2.

A Commentary on What Constitutes Therapy for Willie M. Students. Propel, 1989 (Fall), Volume 3, Number 2.

Interactional Profiles of Abusing and Non-Abusing Families. Community Guidance Clinic, Duke University, May 1989.

Funded Proposal for Troy House- A Half-way Program for Federal Offenders. Summer, 1989.

Developing Learning Centers to Enhance Social Skills of Violent and Assaultive Youth. Illinois Special Education Leadership Instititute, Illinois State University, 1990 (Winter), Number 2.

Earliest School Recollections as a Diagnostic Device for Identifying Successfully or Unsuccessfully Mainstreamed Violent and Assaultive Youth. Journal of Offender Counseling, 1990 (Summer), Volume 15, Number 2.

How Public School Personnel and Mental Health Specialist Can Work Together to Enhance School Safety and Treatment Services. Journal of the National Crisis Prevention Institute, Volume 10, Number 1, Summer 1990.

Difference in Learning Styles Between Successfully and Unsuccessfully Mainstreamed Violent and Assaultive Youth. Journal of Correctional Education, Volume 41, Issue 3, September 1990.

School Counseling Groups for Violent and Assaultive Youth: The Willie M's. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 1991, Volume 16, Issue 34.

Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School Elementary and High School Curriculum Guide, September, 1992.

Understanding and Dealing Effectively with Students Who Have Behavioral or Adjustment Problems. A training manual for the Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School, Winter, 1993.

Grant sponsored by the Chicago Board of Trade: Funding For a Research Room For Learning Disabled Students, Summer, 1994.

Earliest Religious Memories. Jewish Child at Risk: A publication/monograph of the Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago, Spring, 1995.

Overcoming Staff Resistance to Self-Evaluation at the Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School, Caring Magazine, Summer 1996, Volume 12, Number 2.

Book Review of Integrated Psychological Therapy for Schizophrenic Patients. Psychiatric Services, Summer 1996, Volume 47, Number 8.

School Programming for Orthodox as Compared With Non-Orthodox Students at the Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School, Journal of Jewish Special Education, 1997, Volume 4.

Utilizing Nonverbal ESRS as a Diagnostic Device and Intervention Strategy for Students with Emotional, Behavioral and Language Disorders. Illinois Schools Journal, Fall, 1998.

Culturally-Specific Behavior Rating Scale (CSBRS): A Diagnostic Device for the Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School, Winter, 1998.

Dealing with Conflict and Confrontation in the Classroom: A Handbook for the Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School, May, 1999.

Jewish Children's Bureau Therapeutic Day School Policies and Procedures Manual. September 2000.

Climbing Jacob's Ladder: Teaching and Counseling Orthodox Students. Dwelling Place, 2002

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